Our Proposal

Paul proposed on Christmas Day 2009. We were at my mom's house and had finished opening all our presents and he said "I didn't get you anything." Both of us are terrible liars so I knew he was not being honest. He laughed and said it was in his car....

...I patiently started flipping through my new 2010 calendar from Santa and waited. He came back in and handed me a little green sack with green tissue paper. I pull out the tissue and noticed a small green box with a large red bow on it (so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this is jewelry but I was thinking, "When did he have time to buy a ring since we had been together any time he wasn't at work?" Plus, he had played it soooo cool all week long that there was no way it was a ring).

I took off the red bow, tore open the green paper, opened the green box to pull out the green ring box (I'm still telling myself this is going to be earrings or something). I opened the box and saw all my prayers and dreams staring back at me in a beautiful princess cut solitaire.

I looked at Paul and he said: "Baby I am in "L" with you. Will you "M" me?" (*See explanation below)

I couldn't speak....at first I just nodded and then gave him a hug and said "Of course!" We sat holding hands and then I couldn't resist...I said "But I'm not putting it on by myself." (I know...the queen of patience.)

He put the ring on my finger and there it has stayed!

*When Paul asked me to lunch, I ran into Sarah and her girls Caroline and Mary Claire (Sarah and I grew up together and our moms have been friends since college). I excitedly told them I was going to lunch with him and would call her later to give her details. Being a very-perceptive 7-year-old, Caroline connected the dots and knew I was going on a date. They got to their car and she asked Sarah,

Caroline: "Mommy, do they "L" each other?"
Sarah: "L' each other?!?"
Caroline: "Yeah mommy...LOVE each other"
Sarah: "Well honey they need to get to know one another first."

Caroline: "Mommy, is he going to ask her to "M" him?
Sarah: "M' him? What!?!
Caroline: "Yeah mommy!! Marry him?!!?"
Sarah: "Well hopefully not today...it's their first date...but maybe one day."

I shared this story with Paul a few days later and when he got confirmation from the Lord to propose, he knew that is how he wanted to ask!!

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