Thursday, September 26, 2019

Something's been brewing....

Something's been brewing....God has been whispering to my heart for a while now to start writing again. I have a notebook filled with scribbles and notes that wouldn't make sense to anyone else; and sometimes not even to me. My kids will say something and the phrase on repeat in my head is "that's a blog post." Honestly, there are so many thoughts swirling in my head about this:

How fun!!
Wait, are you sure I have anything helpful to share?
What if no one reads it?
What if everyone reads it?
Can I make the time?
I have messed up and still mess up--really, me?!
Are you sure, Lord?
Writing is fun and I enjoy it!
I have been hurt by sharing in the past, what if that happens again?
Are you really sure, Lord?
Do I know enough about the bible?

And then I realized that every one of these questions makes this about me. And obedience has little to do with me and everything to do with God; His purposes; His plans; His timing; His call.

I won't always get it right. I'll take scripture out of context unintentionally. Heaven knows, I'll probably overshare my feelings and thoughts. But God....

God knows the why. He knows why he is asking me to do this. He knows who will read it. He knows who will keep scrolling and who will find the encouragement for which they have been praying. God knows....because this is about Him.

So all my questions above still remain, swirling in my head. And they don't matter. Because God called and said its time.

I started this blog years ago to chronicle the whirlwind way God brought Paul and me together. As our family grew and life changed, it fell lower and lower on the priority list. In this new season, God gave me a new title for the blog and with that, a new focus. Rocked and Anchored, to me, feels like a daily balancing act. A boat who has let its anchor down won't be carried away by each passing wave, but those waves still cause the boat to move in response. Going through this life like a Stepford wife is not my goal; all smiles, no feelings, oblivious to the things of this world. Likewise, being swept away by the fleeting things of this world that threaten to rock my foundation isn't my goal either.

Taking this first step is my goal. Because it is a step on my journey with the Lord.