Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sophie's Story

We are two and a half weeks from our due date so I figured I should document Miss Sophie's story! Since my last post, we have also moved into our first house and miraculously gotten settled in record time...and it's August in Texas so it's HOT! My second sweet baby girl is welcome to come anytime!!

Ok...on with Sophie's Story:

It was January 7, 2013 and I thought I had a kidney infection. I'd been having left-sided pain and nausea all day long. Paul had just left work for the day and I called him saying we needed to go to the urgent care when he got home. About ten minutes later, I called him back and said I couldn't wait and was going to take the baby and go now. So I went and they ran tests which showed no trace of a kidney infection or any other infection. The doctor asked if I wanted him to run a pregnancy test. I knew I was about three days late but I really didn't think that meant anything. I agreed to the test just to rule it out. Just a few minutes later the doctor came back in and I couldn't read his face but was fully prepared to hear that it was negative. After all, Lucy defied medical odds so another spontaneous pregnancy just wasn't going to happen. Plus, she was only seven months old, right?!?!

He said, "Well, congratulations--it was positive and it came back almost instantly." He examined me further and despite the pain I'd been having all day he didn't think it was ectopic. Paul knew I had been waiting on the results of the pregnancy test so I called him and said "Ummm, it was positive!" We were both shocked and excited!! The next day I had blood work done at my OB's office to make sure it was a normal pregnancy. At first, the numbers didn't seem consistent with my dates which could indicate an abnormal or non-viable pregnancy (this is exactly what happened with Lucy's pregnancy, too). We repeated the test two days later and confirmed that, in fact, it was a normal pregnancy!!

Paul was going on a camping trip Jan 18-19 and Gigi and Aunt Emmy came into town to hang out with Lucy and me. When they arrived, I had them unzip Lucy's jacket to reveal a onesie that said "Little Big Sister." Emmy said "WHAT?!" and Gigi just screamed! It was awesome! We had already planned to shop with Mimi that day so we headed to her house and did the same thing to her. She had the same shocked reaction as everyone else!! We contacted our family that weekend to let everyone know of God blowing our socks off AGAIN!! Sophie Marie, you were unexpected miracle #2 and we were THRILLED!!

Back Story to God's Awesomeness:
When I was about 33 weeks pregnant with Lucy, we decided to proceed with the recommended procedure for Paul. Outside of any fertility implications, there were health benefits for Paul by doing the procedure regarding hormone levels later in life. And doing it before the baby arrived ensured we wouldn't both be incapacitated simultaneously. Procedure done and then we had our precious Lucy just a few weeks later! Per doctors orders, Paul followed up with routine tests in August and we were hopeful that it had been successful. The results came back and NOTHING changed--nothing fertility related and nothing health related--nothing! While this was not what we wanted to hear, we were so thankful God had not told us to do this procedure to help our fertility and was gracious enough to give us Lucy before telling us to have this done. We were also disappointed that it hadn't helped anything as was indicated by the doctor. We decided that our fertility and family planning was God's now. Was it really ever ours to begin with?! God took us down a road we never expected; then he defied the odds and gave us Lucy. Then he defied the odds again by giving us Sophie. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that physicians and medicine are not fantastic resources. And I am exceedingly thankful to live in a place where I have access to far more medical interventions and treatments that a lot of places on this earth. However, I also firmly believe that God is sovereign over all things and while he led us to our fertility specialist and led us to do this procedure, I believe he allowed medicine to "fail" so His power and glory could be seen. And it is that power that he has chosen to show through our family twice now! We are honored that he chose us to show what he can do!

Sophie, we are so very excited to meet the person God has made you to be! And we can't wait to share how much you have already been a testimony to his power and grace even before your birth. You were loved and wanted even before we knew you existed and God has wonderful things planned for your life! Very much looking forward to seeing what day He has picked for your birthday!

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