Friday, October 1, 2010


Driving home the other day, I stumbled across vultures devouring some unidentifiable lunch. I often see them circling above fields and pastures as I drive to work and run errands; I know the circling is their way of signaling one another and stalling to see if there is any movement from, hopefully, their next meal. I have never really paid much attention to vultures before but I have also not often driven 3 feet away from them while they enjoy a meal on the small shoulder of a 2 lane highway. As I looked back in my rear-view mirror, none of them had even flinched. Though this is a small highway, cars are flying past at 55 mph yet these vultures are so consumed with the meal in front of them that their imminent danger didn't cause the slightest reaction.

See, vultures devour the dead and are not scared off by passersby. They focus on taking what they want from the dead and bank on the fact that no one is going to come verify that the life is gone from the dead.

How often do I look at non-believing friends, family and strangers and think "they're hopeless, nothing can help them now." Satan's vultures have them ensnared in something that I think is too big and simply unfixable! But if I believe that Luke 1:37 (With God, nothing shall be impossible.) then WHAT AM I DOING?!?! Simply because someone looks dead, looks like they don't have the Lord, looks like they are so deep in sin that they can't get out--does this mean the Lord can't give them the same LIFE he gave to me!?!?

I was watching the Today Show recently and they told the story of Jamie Ogg who, along with his twin sister Emily, were delivered at 27 weeks. Doctors told his parents that he was dead and presented the baby to mom to say goodbye. She placed the baby on her bare chest and despite noticeable movements, the doctor continued to tell them this was reflex and part of the "process." After 2 hours of talking to her son and telling him about the dreams she had for him, Mrs. Ogg saw Jamie take a gasping breath! Even the doctor admitted "this is a miracle" (see the full story at ). This doctor had assumed there was no life but Mrs. Ogg kept behaving as if there was hope despite the fact that she had been told otherwise.

We never know what the Lord has planned and His plan ALWAYS goes against what seems logical to the world because this world is fallen and Satan's vultures are alive and present. BUT they have not won and Christ died on a cross to redeem this fallen world. We know how the story ends--Christ will return and life will be as He intended. Until then, shouldn't it be my focus as a disciple to never assume life is gone--we need to ROCK the vultures and confidently approach the dead, knowing that life may still exist.

As I was driving "my" kiddos home the other day we turned onto their street and there on the corner was a vulture rooting around for something to eat. However, as my car made the turn, the vulture at first seemed unsure of where to go and then quickly shuffled across the street to get away from the car. I just sort of chuckled because ironically, he was a bit uneasy about being so close to a moving car--the same moving car that had flown past his friends at  much higher speed just days earlier. The difference: he had nothing o devour at the moment. Well, what if we I never gave them anything to devour? What if, each time someone behaves in an unlovable way, I love them anyway? What if I boldly "drive up" to those who appear to have no life left and confidently share what Christ can do for them? What if I NEVER give up on those that appear lifeless?

The result: Satan and his evil vultures are going to work hard to stop me but in the process, I will most assuredly grow closer to the God who loves me and provides new mercies every day! Much easier said than done but as Luke so elloquently stated: With God, nothing shall be impossible!


  1. Amen and Amen! I love your vulture analogy. We have so many of them in the park down the hill from us. I don't think I've ever found value in them, but now I will see them and think of this. Thank you for giving me a wonderful reminder of how never to assume things are too far gone. With Him it is all possible!

  2. Psst - Congrats! You won WTDWIW!! Come see and let me know which prize you would like and for what holiday and your mailing info!!
